Are you having trouble with wood and woody waste or byproducts from manufacturing?

Byproducts such as yield materials generated during the manufacturing process.

Wooden pallets that have become old and unusable.

Byproducts such as production residues generated during the manufacturing process.

Unnecessary waste such as the above

Supports energy conversion Supports energy conversion

"Clean Power"
Circulated as

Recovered wood is properly processed (burned) at our affiliated biomass power plants,
and transforms into clean energy.

Benefits of implementation


Merit 01

Early extraction of environmental value through visualization of processing

Properly managing the process from the disposal of self-generated wood until it transforms into clean energy, we create new environmental value by reusing it as renewable energy.

Merit 02

Reduction of Wood Waste Disposal Costs

While transportation costs to our designated location will be borne by you, if transportation costs are cheaper than current disposal costs, it directly contributes to reducing disposal costs.

Merit 03

Improvement of Recycling Rate

Leads to an increase in the recycling rate of waste.

Merit 04

Enhancement of Corporate Value through Promotion of Circular Business

By participating in this initiative that contributes to the realization of a circular society, we promote the achievement of an environmentally conscious and sustainable society.



Please feel free to contact us here for any inquiries or to request materials.

For inquiries via phone, please contact us here.


[Reception Hours] Monday to Friday / 9:00 to 17:00 (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)

For inquiries via the web, please use the following link.

Inquiry form